Art's Art

Arturo A Lopez

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Portrait Assignment.

Mandala polar opposites

Surrealism Assignment

I like how the egg is bigger than the nest. I don’t like how it’s all black and white. I like all the details and the surrealism. Not much to say here, overall, 6.987/ 10.000

Angles Assignment

I like how this image uses angles and center of interest to the advantage, by making the pigeon stand out as most as possible. I also like the black, white, and grey it really adds another depth to the image. Also the angle makes the pigeon feel more powerful and mighty. Overall 8.97/10.00

My Pics

Shadows assignment

This picture really has a lot of shadow or reflects on this theme, I love that the shadow makes the tree seem bigger and more majestic, I feel it adds more detail to the image. The fact that you can see every individual branch is just amazing, I just love this picture overall. The background gives me a mix of emotions because it makes the tree seem much bigger and it towers over the others, but I feel it steals the spotlight a bit.

Composition Assignment

Texture assignment

1/400 sec, f/16, ISO 400, Manual, focal length: 55 mm

1/400 sec. f/13, ISO 400, manual, focal length 34.00 mm

1/400 sec, f/21, ISO 400, Manual, focal length 34.00 mm

This is a picture from the internet involving texture, I’m going to give my personal opinion on this photo. Pros: I personally think that the water in the background looks great it really makes the centerpiece stand out much more. The detail on the duck is just immaculate and on the base of the picture as well. I personally think that the exposure is pretty good, and the shutter speed was chosen perfectly for this photo. The vibrance on the duck also is bonus points for me. Cons: I personally don’t like the little stick standing alone it just diverts your attention from the main piece. The exposure in some areas is too bright but it doesn’t affect this piece of art much. I also would like that the dirt be removed because it also diverts your attention from the duck itself.


What I learned about camera exposure.

I learned that high aperture means the bigger the hole in the lens is, the meter is to help you get the perfect exposure, shutter speed controls the speed of the shutter which lets light into the light sensor, and finally the ISO is the sensitivity the sensor has to light.

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